Foreign or native language?

Even if you have no difficulty with a foreign language, you never forget that you live in a foreign country. The song “A Little Confession,” based on the poem of the same name by Don Mee Choi, is a tribute to the foreigner – a foreigner who has not had a home all his life and communicates in a foreign language. As if it were self-evident. What an absurdity! Do we adapt or do we finally go native? The answer is “no.” Even if your native language has long since disappeared, you will never truly go native.

There will always remain a gap that cannot be overcome, even if one has perfect command of the language. This composition reflects a sense of rootlessness and loss of identity. It raises the question of where one can find a place to settle down like one’s native country if one has left behind or had to leave behind one’s own language and culture.

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Foto: modern art ensemble
Berlin 1989 – Vienna 2025