„Charin, Charin…!“ is how the Japanese describe the sound of a bicycle bell, and from that sound they also derive one of their words for bicycle. Bicycles are the center of the project, and music teacher Detlef and I want to use them for our sound. The project is about experimental composing: improvisation, performance, musical theater, movement on bicycles and with bicycles.
Together with students we compose a musical piece and perform it on stage. Let’s create “real” experimental musical theater! The resulting piece could even be a political statement. Join us in experiencing the culture of bicycles!
2017 March 23. 6 p.m.
Universität der Künste / Probensaal
Bundesallee 1-12
10719 Berlin
Festival „Maerz Musik“ Berlin
Students of Evangelische Schule Berlin Zentrum, Mitte
Assistant: Jakob Platzek
Team: Detlef Franz, Mayako Kubo